Dalal Hanna

Photo of Dalal Hanna

Professor Faculty of Science Department of Biology Ottawa, Ontario dalalhanna@cunet.carleton.ca Mobile: (514) 318-6332


Dalal is a freshwater and landscape ecologist, as well as a science communicator that works to generate the information and momentum required for society to shift toward more sustainable and equitable living. She leads the Watershed Stewardship Research Collaborative at Carleton, where they cond...

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Dalal is a freshwater and landscape ecologist, as well as a science communicator that works to generate the information and momentum required for society to shift toward more sustainable and equitable living. She leads the Watershed Stewardship Research Collaborative at Carleton, where they conduct solutions-oriented research focused on identifying pathways to conserve and enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services in freshwater landscapes. their current key research projects are focused on:
1) improving understanding of how timber harvesting affects water quality and freshwater biodiversity
2) shedding light on the various outcomes of protection through work alongside conservation practitioners
3) engaging youth with freshwaters through land-based learning.

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Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613
