Elisabeth Gilmore

Photo of Elisabeth Gilmore

Professor Faculty of Engineering and Design Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Clusters: Climate change Ottawa, Ontario elisabeth.gilmore@carleton.ca Office: (613) 520-2600 ext. 7105


Gilmore works at the intersection of technology, society, and policy to better understand and identify solutions to the complex problems posed by climate change and other local to global environmental issues, like air pollution. Her research has focused on developing scenarios for integrated asse...

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Gilmore works at the intersection of technology, society, and policy to better understand and identify solutions to the complex problems posed by climate change and other local to global environmental issues, like air pollution. Her research has focused on developing scenarios for integrated assessments of climate change, modeling human responses to environmental changes, and technological and societal transformations for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. She integrates tools and knowledge across engineering, social and economic sciences, and public policy.

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Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613
