James Brunet

Photo of James Brunet

Instructor Faculty of Engineering and Design School of Information Technology Clusters: Cyber security Ottawa, Ontario jamesbrunet3@cunet.carleton.ca Mobile: (613) 618-5557


Brunett’s work is focused on Canadian elections, and his experience includes observing ballot counting, presenting at election security conferences, managing local political campaigns, discovering and disclosing security vulnerabilities in election technology, leading a provincial central campaig...

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Brunett’s work is focused on Canadian elections, and his experience includes observing ballot counting, presenting at election security conferences, managing local political campaigns, discovering and disclosing security vulnerabilities in election technology, leading a provincial central campaign data team, conducting a broad review of online voting in Ontario, building predictive voter models, interviewing election administrators about their election processes, and providing cybersecurity guidance to candidates, political staff, and election administrators.

Through this work, he has responsibly disclosed several security vulnerabilities in Canadian online voting providers, which were acknowledged and fixed by vendors.

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Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613