Koreen Millard

Photo of Koreen Millard

Professor Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Clusters: Climate change Ottawa, Ontario koreen_millard@carleton.ca Office: (613) 520-2600 ext. 2566

Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613


Millard’s research sits at a crossroads between geomatics, physical geography and big data science. She focuses on ecosystem monitoring using remotely sensed imagery. By coupling remote sensing with extensive monitoring in the field, her research helps detangle hydrological, vegetation and clima...

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Millard’s research sits at a crossroads between geomatics, physical geography and big data science. She focuses on ecosystem monitoring using remotely sensed imagery. By coupling remote sensing with extensive monitoring in the field, her research helps detangle hydrological, vegetation and climate interactions so that we can better predict the responses of wetlands, northern ecosystems, and other vulnerable areas to change and wildfires.

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