Lara Karaian

Photo of Lara Karaian

Professor Institutes and Centres: Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice Clusters: Artificial intelligence Gender issues Ottawa, Ontario Mobile: (613) 983-3276
Office: (613) 520-2600 ext. 1458


Karaian's research examines the intersections between sexuality, technology, representation, bodily experience, and legal regulation. She has published journal articles and legal reports on topics such as: teenage sexting and child pornography; ‘revenge porn’ and Intimate Image distribution; acci...

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Karaian's research examines the intersections between sexuality, technology, representation, bodily experience, and legal regulation. She has published journal articles and legal reports on topics such as: teenage sexting and child pornography; ‘revenge porn’ and Intimate Image distribution; accidental incest and ‘technology facilitated’ incest; ‘self-exploitation’; queer pornography; risk management and (self)surveillance; pregnant men and anti-discrimination law; transgender human rights; and, third wave feminisms.

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