Sean Burges

Photo of Sean Burges

Professor Faculty of Public Affairs Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs Clusters: International affairs Ottawa, Ontario Mobile: (613) 884-6614


Burges' research involves questions of development, international political economy, foreign policy, and comparative politics. While many of his publications fit best in the categories of Brazilian foreign policy and inter-American affairs, his work addresses South-South relations, international ...

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Burges' research involves questions of development, international political economy, foreign policy, and comparative politics. While many of his publications fit best in the categories of Brazilian foreign policy and inter-American affairs, his work addresses South-South relations, international development policy, regional integration, democratization, international political economy, and comparative policy formulation.

He is particularly interested in how developing country governments and actors attempt to mobilize and deploy the international to achieve domestic development goals. His ongoing work is built around an examination of the business-government relations behind Brazil’s turn to Africa during the presidency of Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva. This in turn is opening angles of research on foreign policy decision-making processes, corruption, and democratic consolidation as well as the reformulation of Southern-based attitudes to and interactions with the global system.

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Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613
