Sean Landsman

Photo of Sean Landsman

Instructor Faculty of Science Department of Biology Institutes and Centres: Institute of Environmental and Interdisciplinary Science Ottawa, Ontario Mobile: (613) 863-9633
Office: (613) 520-2600 ext. 7073

Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613


Landsman is a self-proclaimed “fish nerd” with an undying passion for all things fishy. His formal scientific training is, indeed, in fisheries science, but his interests have broadened in recent years. Today, while still interested in anything to do with fish, he is keenly interested in the prac...

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Landsman is a self-proclaimed “fish nerd” with an undying passion for all things fishy. His formal scientific training is, indeed, in fisheries science, but his interests have broadened in recent years. Today, while still interested in anything to do with fish, he is keenly interested in the practice and science of science communication.

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