Seyda Ipek

Photo of Seyda Ipek

Professor Faculty of Science Department of Physics Ottawa, Ontario Office: (613) 520-2600 ext. 2411


Seyda is a theoretical particle physicist. Her work is closely related to the physics done at particle colliders like the LHC. The Standard Model of particle physics describes how elementary particles, like electrons, neutrinos, quarks, interact with each other. She works on what is beyond the St...

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Seyda is a theoretical particle physicist. Her work is closely related to the physics done at particle colliders like the LHC. The Standard Model of particle physics describes how elementary particles, like electrons, neutrinos, quarks, interact with each other. She works on what is beyond the Standard Model.

There are many reasons why we believe the Standard Model is not a complete description of our universe. Her research is mainly motivated by three questions:

What is dark matter?
Why do neutrinos have mass?
Why is there more matter than antimatter in the Universe?

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