
Lindeman is a long-time freelance journalist published in The Guardian, The Walrus, Fortune, Canadian Business, Maisonneuve, Canadian Geographic, The Atlantic, the Associated Press, The Globe and Mail, Vice/Motherboard and many other publications. She previously worked as an online reporter-edito...

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Lindeman is a long-time freelance journalist published in The Guardian, The Walrus, Fortune, Canadian Business, Maisonneuve, Canadian Geographic, The Atlantic, the Associated Press, The Globe and Mail, Vice/Motherboard and many other publications. She previously worked as an online reporter-editor at CBC in Montreal. She covers news and current affairs, with specific interests in housing, transportation and social issues including inequity, reproductive rights, radicalization and systemic discrimination. Lindeman holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in journalism (Concordia ’07, Carleton ’22). Her first book, on medical discrimination and gaslighting in endometriosis care, was published in March 2023. She is a born-and-bred Montrealer currently based in western Quebec. She speaks English, French and Spanish.

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Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613