Vivian Nguyen

Photo of Vivian Nguyen

Professor Faculty of Science Department of Biology Ottawa, Ontario Office: (613) 520-2600 ext. 7071


Nguyen's research is interdisciplinary and focuses on the interface science, people, and policy within the themes of conservation, environmental change, and natural resource management. Nguyen’s research program focuses on application and mobilizing various forms of knowledge into decisions, poli...

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Nguyen's research is interdisciplinary and focuses on the interface science, people, and policy within the themes of conservation, environmental change, and natural resource management. Nguyen’s research program focuses on application and mobilizing various forms of knowledge into decisions, policy, and practice. She is interested social-ecological systems, human dimensions of environmental issues, science policy, and community knowledge.

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Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613
