Natalia Escobar Castrillón

Photo of Natalia Escobar Castrillón

Professor Faculty of Engineering and Design Clusters: Gender issues Ottawa, Ontario


Escobar Castrillón is a licensed architect and a professor of Architecture and Social Justice. Escobar Castrillón’s research and teaching work addresses questions of spatial justice, social equity, collective identity, displacement, and representation in the built environment. Her publications un...

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Escobar Castrillón is a licensed architect and a professor of Architecture and Social Justice. Escobar Castrillón’s research and teaching work addresses questions of spatial justice, social equity, collective identity, displacement, and representation in the built environment. Her publications unpack the complexities of contested buildings and sites worldwide, and discuss the role of design and narrative-making in supporting or silencing social groups. She has taught courses on these topics pursuing engagement practices with local communities.

She has pursued fieldwork in Europe, Latin America, and Asia where she studied the intersection of architecture with questions of power, gender, race, and social class through the work of architects Lu Wengyu and Wang Shu, and Lina Bo. More recently, she was awarded a Carleton University International Research Seed Grant to produce visualizations of oppression and resilience of migrant populations in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank.

Escobar Castrillón is also the founder of the architectural journal Oblique that received the AIA NY Center for Architecture Publications Award and aims to revise hegemonic design practices and discourses.

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Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613
