Robyn McQuaid

Photo of Robyn McQuaid

Professor Faculty of Science Department of Neuroscience Clusters: Health Ottawa, Ontario

Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613


McQuaid’s research examines the impacts of stressors and traumatic experiences on mental health among various populations. One theme of her research examines the neuroendocrine, inflammatory and genetic/epigenetic pathways through which early-life adversity and adult stressors promote mental illn...

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McQuaid’s research examines the impacts of stressors and traumatic experiences on mental health among various populations. One theme of her research examines the neuroendocrine, inflammatory and genetic/epigenetic pathways through which early-life adversity and adult stressors promote mental illnesses. Another focus of her work is identifying and using biomarkers to inform future precision medicine advances for mental illness.

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