Yiagadeesen (Teddy) Samy

Photo of Yiagadeesen (Teddy) Samy

Professor Director Faculty of Public Affairs Norman Paterson School of International Affairs Clusters: International affairs Ottawa, Ontario yiagadeesen.samy@carleton.ca Mobile: (819) 271-7945
Office: (613) 520-2600 ext. 1218


Samy has taught graduate courses in development economics, international trade, macroeconomics for developing countries, development assistance and quantitative methods.

Samy’s research interests intersect the broad areas of international and development economics, and his current resear...

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Samy has taught graduate courses in development economics, international trade, macroeconomics for developing countries, development assistance and quantitative methods.

Samy’s research interests intersect the broad areas of international and development economics, and his current research focuses on domestic resource mobilization, fragile states, foreign aid, deindustrialization and income inequality, and trade and women’s economic empowerment. He recently co-edited a Handbook on Fragile States and his latest co-authored book is Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment: Evidence from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

His articles have been published in various journals such as Conflict, Security and Development, the Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Third World Quarterly, International Interactions, the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Foreign Policy Analysis, the Journal of International Trade and Economic Development and Applied Economics.

He is currently serving as an Expert for the The African Knowledge Network, Office of the Special Advisor on Africa, United Nations Under-Secretary General.

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Media Relations

Steven Reid (he/him)
Media Relations Officer
(613) 265-6613
